Have you heard of
http://www.freeappaday.com/ ?
This is the website that gives you 1 free app every single day. The free app is only valid for 24 hours. Instead of browsing from the website, there is actually an app for it now.
The price for this app is $1.99 (yeah.. this app costs money unfortunately). Several key features of the app are as below:
- Push Notification
- Up to 5 Paid Apps For Free daily
- Video Trailers and Game Reviews
- Full Retina Display Support
- No Ads
- Business Section for Non-Game Apps
Some screenshots of the app.
This is today's free app: 100 Rogues
There are 3 tabs at the bottom which displays the free app of the day, free apps as well as paid apps.
Sorted by categories..
You can also submit your wish app. In other words, you can request for the app to be free. I am not sure how it goes, but probably if the wish for a particular app goes very high, you may just get it for free for 24 hours.
Reviews of the apps are also available once an app is selected. Some descriptions and screenshots are available as well.
Sharing this info via facebook, twitter and email as well.
Overall, it's a nice app to have if you are constantly seeking for free app. By tapping on the "Get It" icon, it will straight load AppStore and you can initiate your free download from there.